Police Protection Orders

Police Protection Orders

We look at Police Protection Orders and the powers that the police have in order to help what they deem an at risk child.

What are Police Protection Orders?

In line with the name, this is a power that the police have to remove a child from their home if they are concerned that the child is at risk of significant harm and in imminent danger. It is to be used in emergency situations and is temporary with it being in place for 72 hours. During this 72 hours the police do not obtain parental responsibility for your child.

The police will contact child services who will be involved in a decision about where that child should be placed whether that is in a foster placement, with a family member or friend. It is likely that the family members or friends will have to undergo an assessment before a child could be placed with them.

Despite it being called an order, it is not an order that is made by the court.

If the police have made this decision and a child is removed under the powers of police protection then this cannot be legally challenged in a court.

The child will have to be returned once the 72 hours has passed unless an urgent court hearing has taken place. You will be given notice of any urgent application that is made by child services to the court. You can then challenge this application for any subsequent orders that are granted by the court.

If your child is removed by the police or you hear the term Police Protection Order or PPO then urgent legal advice is required. Please urgently contact the care team at Bromleys who will be able to advise you further.

Bromleys have a large team of expertly trained solicitors who can assist you, if you have any questions please urgently contact Charlotte Ellingham by email cellingham@bromleys.co.uk or call on 0161 330 6821.