Service Pledge
A great service, every time from everyone
- Our services will be tailored to meet your specific requirements and preferences.
- Our fees will be clear and transparent and we will provide you with the best estimate at the outset – so no surprises.
- We will provide you with an overview and timescales at the outset and update you regularly as your matter progresses.
- We will be proactive.
- We will assign to you the correct level of legal expert who will be supported by their team.
- Our legal advice will be clear and concise – so no use of legal jargon.
- Direct telephone numbers where available so you get to speak to your legal expert direct.
- If your assigned legal expert is not available, we commit to ringing you back by close of business the next working day.
- We accommodate home, hospital or business visits.
- Any concerns or complaints will be taken seriously.