Court proceedings are the mainstay of our child protection team here at Bromleys

We advise parents, children, and other family members in care proceedings, which are often dealt with at the family court.

In ordinary times, our team members spend more than half their working week at court.

But these are no ordinary times, and everything changed in the blink of an eye five weeks ago.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are now organising discussions on care proceedings using telephone conferencing, Zoom or Skype, and court hearings are taking place in the same way.

As the Bromleys team is working from home, sometimes we ‘attend’ meetings and court hearings in our slippers, with the occasional appearance of a friendly cat jumping on the desk!

However, the very serious nature of our role has remained unaffected and we have continued to work at full pace from home, representing clients on applications for care orders, removal of children from parents, and various safeguarding issues which don’t go away.

We are looking forward to things getting back to normal, but in the meantime we are working as hard as ever to ensure justice is served for our clients.

Call our dedicated Care Proceedings and Children’s Services helpline on 0161 694 4149 or email New Care Enquiries at for help and guidance.