How to contact us
Our main contact number 0161 330 6821 is available for all enquiries.
Our ‘out of hours’ emergency number 07785 531221 is fully operational.
The ‘Live Chat’ (Chat Now) facility is available on all pages of our website and will automatically activate as you browse the website.
You can send an email by opening the yellow ‘Talk to us‘ tab located on the right-hand page or email our general email address at
Covid-19 Plan B – Appointment only attendance at our offices
Whilst Plan B is in place, you will need to make an appointment in advance of attending our offices and a mask must be work unless you are exempt.
Dedicated Direct Dials and Helplines
You can contact your legal expert or members of our management team by telephone, email or post. Direct dials are available and details of these together with their email address can be found here:
We have dedicated helplines for:
- Landlord and Tenant Disputes 0161 694 4155
- Care Proceedings and Children Services 0161 694 4149
- Court of Protection – 0161 694 4170
- Corporate and Commercial 0161 694 4153
- Debt Recovery & Cash flow 0161 694 4176
- Domestic Abuse 0161 331 3887
- Employment 0161 694 4155
- Family and Divorce 0161 331 3886
- Personal Injury 0161 694 4176
- Residential Conveyancing/Property 0161 694 4161
- Wills & Probate 0161 694 4147
Please see our News section for our legal updates and firm-wide news that you may find of interest.