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Who am I?

I am Bromleys’ Practice Manager and have held this role for over 15 years and have worked in the legal profession in various roles for over 30 years.  I am an Associate at the firm and a member of the firm’s Management Team.  My duties include: HR and Recruitment, Regulation and Compliance, maintaining the firm’s Accreditations and Health & Safety.

I have been a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives since 2000, having practised Family Law after my qualification.  Prior to my appointment as Practice Manager at Bromleys, I gained Fellowship status with the Association of Costs Lawyers and practised as a Costs Lawyer.  I have also undertaken training at Associateship level with the Institute of Legal Finance and Management.

How can I help you?

In my role as Practice Manager, I am at the centre of the day-to-day workings of the firm and strive to encourage and motivate all the firm’s members to remain focused on the firm’s: Core Values, Service Pledge, Aim and Motto.

A bit more about me

My spare time is generally taken up looking after and spending time with my son, who is usually more interested in playing Minecraft!  I also volunteer as a helper at my son’s Cub Scout club.

Get in touch

LinkedIn – Louise Nolan

Get in touch with Louise on: 0161 694 4150 or email: lnolan@bromleys.co.uk

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